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Social Determinants of Health (SDoH)


The Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) WG will be responsible for identifying and defining relevant SDoH and other environmental phenotypic measures to be considered for use in PRIMED. This will occur through literature review, input from internal and external investigators with relevant expertise, conducting needs assessment among PRIMED study sites, and reviewing data resources to ascertain availability of SDoH variables across the proposed PRIMED datasets. The WG will partner with external experts and other translationally focused consortia (e.g. eMERGE, ClinGen) to produce a set of recommendations on incorporation of SDoH variables in PRS methods development and thoughtful consideration of these measures in interpretation and clinical translation of PRSs. The SDoH WG will also work closely with the Methods Development WG in consideration of SDoH variables in PRS methods development and contextualizing PRS implementation, and with additional WGs (e.g. SEIPR and Population Descriptors) to ensure that social and ethical considerations from these WGs are incorporated into variable selection, use, and interpretation in PRIMED.


  1. Determine what SDoH variables to collect for use in Consortium projects and document what studies have available data
  2. Provide guidance to the Consortium on recommendations/best practices for thoughtful selection for SDOH metrics/measures
  3. Develop and publish a conceptual framework on the integration of PRS and SDoH in risk prediction models, with consideration for the role of diverse populations
  4. Collaborate with the Methods and Data Analysis WGs to explore how SDoH measures affect the construction, evaluation, and translation of PRS in diverse populations
  • David Conti (PRIMED-Cancer,  University of Southern California)