The PRIMED Consortium Coordinating Center is part of the Genetic Analysis Center within the Department of Biostatistics at the University of Washington. Ken Rice is PI of the Coordinating Center with senior project managers Matthew Conomos, Ben Heavner, and Sarah Nelson. The Coordinating Center serves the PRIMED Consortium and broader PRS research community in four main areas:
Lead Consortium efforts establishing and implementing data harmonization procedures for genotype and phenotype data
Organize cross-Consortium analysis and collaborative methods development, including identifying consensus approaches, developing a local-ancestry informed PRS method, and integrating ELSI considerations into analytic best-practices
Facilitate data sharing within the Consortium, including establishing and implementing Consortium data sharing and data access policies, facilitating use of shared cloud storage and workspaces on AnVIL, and ensuring release of Consortium-generated data and products to the scientific community
Comprehensively coordinating program logistics including the Consortium website, progress reporting, remote and in-person meetings, program outreach to precision medicine partner programs and Affiliate Members, and mentorship and training throughout the Consortium