The PRIMED Perspective manuscript has been published, viewable on the AJHG website and ScienceDirect. In brief, this Consortium marker paper describes the PRIMED Consortium and organization of its activities, and highlights methodological innovations and early products, with the goal of facilitating additional initiatives that aim to reduce inequity in genomic medicine.
Kullo, I. J., Conomos, M. P., Nelson, S. C., Adebamowo, S. N., Choudhury, A., Conti, D., Fullerton, S. M., Gogarten, S. M., Heavner, B., Hornsby, W. E., Kenny, E. E., Khan, A., Khera, A. v., Li, Y., Martin, I., Mercader, J. M., Ng, M., Raffield, L. M., Reiner, A., … Zhong, M. (2024). The PRIMED Consortium: Reducing disparities in polygenic risk assessment. The American Journal of Human Genetics.